Monday, October 09, 2006

Natural Cures For Snoring

One of the most common sleeping distractions is snoring - either your own or that of your spouse. It is the reason that husbands and wives sometimes sleep separately, bicker with one another because they are sleep deprived and generally feel exhausted throughout the day due to a lack of sleep. That is the bad news. The good news, however, is that there are natural cures for snoring that can quickly rid you of this nighttime nuisance.

If you suffer from allergies or are congested from a cold or flu, try running hot water in the sink while inhaling the steam. This warmth will open up the nasal passages, allow for better breathing and help to prevent snoring. One of the leading causes of snoring is when air passages, either in the throat or nasal area, becomes restricted. In addition to inhaling steam, allergy and sinus sufferers should try and rid their home of any/all allergens. For example, avoid smoking cigarettes, breathing cigarette smoke, get rid of pet hair, dust, etc. Regular cleaning and the use of air filtration systems will help to accomplish cleaner air. You will be amazed at the dust that air filters will collect, so be sure to change the filter regularly in order to maintain clean air.

When you are ready to turn in for the night, try sleeping on your side instead of your back. If necessary, press a large body pillow against your back to prevent you from turning over in the night. If you try to roll over, the pillow will provide you with some resistance. In addition, there are pillows that are specifically designed to help control snoring. These can be found in the bedding section at almost any retail store. If you are unable to locate a specialty pillow, try elevating your head using two regular pillows. By raising your head slightly, you will be lessening the chance for the uvula, tongue and fatty tissues to relax in the back of your throat and restrict air passages. The better that you can breathe, the less likely you will be to snore.

If these remedies fail to provide relief, consider a lifestyle change. Obesity is a leading cause of snoring and can be best addressed with a combination of diet and exercise. A physician may be helpful in helping you to create a supervised plan. In addition to helping to prevent snoring, obesity can cause many other health problems and should be addressed quickly.

Experts believe that another reason snoring occurs is because the individual sleeps with his/her mouth open. Now, thanks to a revolutionary new product known as Sleep Genie, sufferers have a way to comfortably support their jaw during sleep and may even eliminate snoring during their first use. The best part is that this is a natural snoring remedy, which means it requires no medication, doctor visits or invasive surgery.

This article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used as, or in place of, professional medical advice. Before beginning any treatment for snoring, please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and remedy.

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About the Author:

A new anti-snoring scientific breakthrough is rapidly changing the lives of ex-snorers… because the first night you use it, it stops snoring! Visit for more information!

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