Saturday, August 26, 2006


Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and is more common among women than men. If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting back to sleep after waking during the night, you may have insomnia. The three main categories of insomnia are transient, intermittent, and chronic. Chronic insomnia is either primary, not related to any other health condition, or secondary, caused by an underlying condition or a poor sleeping environment.

Transient insomnia is not serious, and is usually caused by an upset during the day, and will resolve itself in a few days. Look over these 41 simple tips to help you get to sleep. You've probably heard of most of them before, but I think you'll find some you haven't seen before.

Intermittent insomnia usually has the same causes as transient insomnia and should respond to the same treatment.

Although transient and intermittent insomnia aren't serious, chronic insomnia is more serious. Psychophysiologic Insomnia can follow transient insomnia and becomes a vicious circle. A person can come to dread going to bed, fearing they won't be able to sleep, and the dread they feel can lead to chronic insomnia.

Other conditions, medical or psychological, can cause insomnia. Nightly leg problems, either pain or restless leg symdrome, can cause insomnia. There are medical problems that can cause insomnia and include GERD, Parkinson's, and arthritis among other conditions, and the medication we take to control these conditions can cause insomnia. Anxiety, depression, and bipolar are psychological problems that can cause insomnia.

Treatment and Prevention

  • Develope good sleep habits.
  • Exercise.
  • Avoid large meals and excessive fluids before bedtime.
  • Control your environment.
  • Correct sleep misconceptions.
  • Behavior management.
  • Light therapy.
  • Medications.


  1. Anticipate jet lag induced insomnia.
  2. Prepare a plan to deal with shift work.
  3. Manage your stress.

Secondary insomnia is caused by medical and psycological conditions that interfere with sleep. Arthritis and fibromyalgia cause pain. GERD causes heartburn and choking at night. A doctor needs to determine what is causing your chronic insomnia if there is a secondary cause for the insomnia.

Dale L. Edwards

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